March 17, 2012

Frankfurt Day 2: wandering, local food, photos, and other adventures

We got very lucky with the weather today: 20º (figure it out, USA.) and sunny!! Also a nice light breeze, which made walking very pleasant. This worked out great for taking lots of pictures! Some of my favorites from today are included here.

So, the funny thing: none of us can ever decide anything. We're all entirely too nice and don't want to step on each other's toes, so quite often we found ourselves standing around with a classic, "What do you want to do?" "I don't know, what do YOU want to do?" But despite the occasional (well, ok, frequent) awkward moments, we got to see lots of great sights, eat some good food, and of course enjoy each other. (But hey, four shy, awkward people all together for the first time? Well, we kind of figured such a thing...)

Somewhere in between the wandering, we stopped for lunch at a public market where there were several vendors, mostly selling food, and had some real German Bratwurst for lunch. DELICIOUS. Also, many thanks to Flóra and company for repeatedly ordering for me while I stood around awkwardly. Thanks guys. (Will the idiot who only speaks English please stand up? I mean sit down?) Glad y'all have my back =D

After our tour of Frankfurt, we headed to Seligenstadt (ooh I hope I spelled that right!) for the long awaited basketball game! As expected, our dear friend was the star of the game! Even the ref said so. We had a bit of an adventure with the keys, but after a momentary freakout, we found them and headed back into the city for some dinner, followed by a relaxed evening with a movie and some wine (quite nice after walking around for two days!) and that about brings us around to the present.

And now, as promised, your pictures!

The first one might need a little explaining. Apparently there is a tradition of writing the names of two lovers on a lock, and locking it on the bridge... there were TONS of these locks around... if only we knew and had one of our own to add...