The sun was shining again when I woke up this morning afternoon, and after a nice cup of coffee (remember our MacGyver’d coffee pot?) we decided to have a relaxed afternoon on the beach. It. Was. Paradise! We spread out towels, brought some sandwiches (and heart-shaped gummy candies!) and relaxed in the sand for hours. It was a warm 18ºC, with a cool breeze blowing and the waves crashing on the beach. So relaxing. A million times better than stressing over homework and walking all over town in the rain! We even avoided getting pooped on by seagulls. All in all, a great afternoon
And then, at long last, we went out on our first real dinner date. We both got all dressed up (suit jacket, dress, heels...) and walked down to the plaza for a lovely meal by candlelight. On our way down to the restaurant, we stopped for a few minutes to watch the last few minutes of the sunset before the sun dipped behind the clouds. All these months later, we could finally share each other’s horizon.
It was an amazing, and almost unbelievable, experience to share a real dinner together. After months of Skype dates and screen names (remember when we were just TwelfthPrecinct and MissPhoenixElle?) we finally got to sit down across a table from each other, with no computers in the way, in the SAME TIME ZONE, and share a meal. Wonderful.
And, conveniently, Castle was on the Dutch TV, so we got to finish the evening by watching our favorite show together, complete with subtitles. Seems perfect, since that is how we met in the first place!