The great city of Frankfurt and Fló welcomed Lauren, May and me with some lovely weather! But today the city new we were leaving. The city shed some tears for us in the form of rain.
The last day that the awkward 4 were together we visited some dino's at a museum. (Pictures will follow)
After that we finally saw the place where our superhero lives. Fló lives on a little, but beautiful village.
It was great to see where Fló lives, where she walks, where she drives too hard!
As final thing what we did with the four people that met trough the tv-show Castle, was......visiting a Castle!!
In the place where Flóra lives is an old castle (where a happy ghost is floating around every day) As there are no castle's in the US, she took her change to play the tourist and shot a lot of pictures (soon to come)
And then there were more tears. The moment of goodbye and the train leaving from the station...I hate goodbye's!!!
May, we miss you!!!! ❤
Flóra, we miss you!!!! ❤
And right now we are heading back to Zandvoort. Still close to 4 hours to go now...